A Few Of My Favorite Things

 1) A paintbrush case that I painted. Because I love painting ordinary everyday things, and in this case are the brushes that I use to paint them. Painting is relaxing and cathartic for me and I wouldn't be able to do it without my brushes.

2) My AirPods case. Because they help me escape into another world with my music, and allow me to use a noise cancelling function when the noise of the world gets to be too much.

3) A tar of vaseline. Because my lips are constantly dry and I'm always applying vaseline, and it's something that I like always having with me. 

4) A lesbian flag. Because this is a key part of my identity that took me a long time to come to terms with, so I love showing pride in it.

5) A bottle of medication. Because my medication helps me get through my day to day life and be able to do art, and take care of myself as well as complete my work.

6) My snake earrings. Because they are my favorite earrings that I wear almost every day, and I love the symbolism of snakes in shedding skin and transformation.

7) My rings. Because I got these rings that spin and I wear them every day, I don't feel right if I leave my room without them and I like fidgeting with them. 

8) My rainbow magnets. Because I fidget with these as well throughout the day when I feel like I need to be doing something with my hands and I love separating them by color and making different shapes out of them. 
